The simple wall clock is very easy to personalize in any theme or design you'd like! I chose to make a Paper Mario theme since it matches the decor of my son's videogame room.
What you will need:
1 simple wall clock. I got the Mainstays brand clock (black rimmed) from Wal-mart for about $3-4.

Either a color printer and a picture of your choice OR artistic talent!
A screwdriver
Marker (or some other little decal or something to mark the numbers of the clock)
Step one:
Take the clock apart. It isn't too difficult. Pop the face off using the screwdriver to loosen the screws. I then took the hands off the face and pulled the paper they had glued to the original clock off. This left the back part wide open for the next step.
Step 2:
Print off a picture of your choice, or draw, paint or make your own artwork for the face. Make sure to add the numbers or marks onto the art.
Step 3:
I used the original paper to trace the correct size circle onto the new piece I would be using. Cut that out and place on the backing. Make sure to punch out the hole in the middle to make a good fit.
Step 4:
Place the hands back into the middle of the clock and reattach the back of the clock with the screws.
Step 5:
Make sure that everything is back in place so that the hands are moving smoothly.
Step 6:
Enjoy your awesome creation!
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